Timeline of the Second Age

If you know me at all, you’ll know that I’m a huge Lord of the Rings nerd. The soundtracks, books, movies, video games - I love it all. Most special to me is the Lord of the Rings trilogy of movies. Not because they are incredibly well made, and have one of the most iconic soundtracks of all time, but because they hold a lot of nostalgic and sentimental value to me.

I met some of the best friends I’ll ever have in life because of our shared love for Lord of the Rings. We watched them all the time in college, listened to the soundtrack as we played hours of video games studied for our classes, and quoted our favorite lines regularly.

Needless to say I was SUPER excited when the Rings of Power show was announced. One of my friends thought it would be fun to compile all the information about the Second Age (the fairly obscure period of time the show is based on) in a simple and easy to read format so that fans could follow along with the show. He’s not much of a designer though, so I eagerly offered to do the design work while he compiled all of the information.

It took nearly two years, but we finally created something we are both incredibly proud of. It’s become an invaluable resource for experiencing the show, and it’s been cool to see how the community has embraced it when it comes to discussion about the Second Age.

You can order your own print or digital version on Etsy.com.


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